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Dan & Aunty Tammy

My Aunt Tammy, a mother, Wife, typical working-home maker woman. Her in her mid 40’s, nice long dirty blonde hair, big ass and tits, a little weight on her but all in the right places.

Years go by as I always fantasized about having sex with her. Yes she is my Aunt but for some strange reason I have always been strongly sexually attracted to her. It got more and more intense as time went on and it didn’t help any better from me peeping on her through the bathroom window when she washed up or took showers. The first time I seen her naked was amazing, I was outside the window and I had no choice to put my hand in my pants and take care of business and I didn’t care if I got caught or not. I finaly got to see my favorite Aunt naked and it was great. Well that turned from one time till many peeping in on her. I got to see every last inch of her naked body over time and that made masterbation that much more incredible.

Thier was only a few people who knew my secret about Aunty Tammy. One day that secret was reveled to her by one of the few that knew.

Years went by again and it seemed that she had been more distant than usual. She always use to play flirt with me and now she seemed more distant as if she was uncomfortable with me.

One day I had to pick her up and give her a ride home. She told me that everyone was gone for the weekend and told me to lock up before I left because she hates being alone. I asked her if she wanted me to stay over and she said if I wanted to I could so she would feel more safer.

Later on I went to her bedroom and just started talking with her about random things and then I confronted her about the whole situation of her being distant. I even brought up what was said about me wanting her. She said that their was nothing wrong and asked if I really felt that way. I told her yes I do and I was sorry because ya can’t help how ya feel and how lucky Uncle was to have a fine ass woman like you. She blushed and said that it was flattering that I would find her attractive in that way and that she is not mad or anything. Then I said if I was Uncle you would be satisfied all the time cus your smoking, you got meat in all the right places and a nice butt and boobs, everything I love on a Woman. She laughed and said I wish your Uncle was like that. He always complains that I need to lose weight and plus not that you want to hear this but Im lucky he has sex with me once a month if that. He is always to tired or working. I had to swallow my saliva 2 times to boldly say to her that if you didn’t mind me being your Nephew that I would love to make love to her and make her feel like a well satisfied woman.

My Aunt stared at me in aw and just was shocked and then smiled at me. Is that an offer she asked, and I immediatly said yes. She then told me that I better never tell anyone about any of this and I promised I wouldnt and then she touched my hand and then I kissed her. It was like fireworks going off and I had this tingly feeling in my pants I have never felt before, it was great. I immediatly put my hand on her breast as I was kissing her and pushed forward to lay her down as I was on top.

I started kissing her kneck and she started unbuttoning her pajama shirt, as each button came undone, I started seeing more and more of my Aunt’s beautiful chest but this time less than a foot from my face and not from a window. As her shirt came open I started kissing down the middle of her kneck to in between her breast and I pulled the shirt open more and thier was her huge beautiful tits in my face. I started sucking and groping the most beautiful tits I ever saw. I licked her hard nipples and nibbled on them as she was in a deep breath. I sucked on her breast for a good 10 minutes before kissing her again. Then she sat up and took her shirt completely off and as she layed back down I started kissing down from in between her breast to her belly button pulling her pants off as I was doing so. I then layed between her legs and kissed around the linings of her underwear and then started pulling them off. When I took her underwear off completely, I looked down and saw my beautiful Aunts vagina right their for the taking. It had a little bit of hair, I liked shaved pussys but her, I didn’t care how much hair she had it was beautiful. I then layed between her legs spreading them even more as I was kissing around her crotch and then gently rubbin the pubic area. The I lunged my face and tounge right at Auntie’s pussy and it was so taste and the smell of her wet pussy drove me nuts. Instead of seeing what I could threw a window, I had my Aunts pussy in my mouth and inches from my eyes as I licked her like it was the last thing on Earth.

I ate her for about 5 minutes and I asked if she liked 69 and without hesitation she got right up and I layed down and it was the greatest sight ever. My Aunts leg going over my head with her untire crotch in my face, a perfect view it all, pussy and ass. As she croutched down I started kissing and sucking on her ass cheeks and she loved it, and I spreaded her ass cheeks and started licking her ass, as I did she moaned so loud and told me she hasn’t gotten eatn or her ass licked in years. I put my tounge so far up my Aunts big beautiful ass, it was great. I squeezed her ass cheeks and sucked her asshole for 10 minutes. Then I started eating her pussy as she was sucking my dick. I had my tounge in her pussy and my nose and a finger in her ass. She cummed all over my face and trust me I didn’t waiste a drop as I licked every drop of it I could. Moments later I told her I was cumming but she keep going and I blew my load deep down her throat. She gave the best head I ever had, she played and sucked on my balls and gave my balls attention all the time and knew how to suck dick great.

I was so excited, I was still hard like I never came. She got up and layed next to me telling me that she was glad I approached her and that she needed some good sex. We started talking and then I cofessed to her how I used to peep in on her in the bathroom. She thought is was funny and asked why I didn’t approach her then. But all this talk a few minutes rest, I was brick hard and ready to plow her brains out.

I told her that it was just a warm up what we just did and she had an amazed but exciting look on her face. We started kissing as I rolled up on her. She looked deep into my eyes as she spreaded her legs and took my penis and put it in her vagina. It was like slow motion, there I was entering my Aunts pussy. Years and years of fantasy all coming true. I took my sweet time entering her because I wanted to enjoy every minute of it and take it in. I started fucking her slow and then picked up speed. She started to breath heavier and then I pulled out and got in back of her on our sides and we fucked side ways. It was great that way, like doggie but laying down on our sides. It was so intimate as we looked each other in eye as we fucked. She then got up and got on top of me and started riding me until she came, it took everything in me to hold myself from cumming but I held it. It was so fuck having her ride me while I sucked on her tits and nibbled on her nipples to make her cum even more. She must have cumed buckets because I my crotch area was soaked.

She then got on all 4’s and looked back and smiled and said I know you must have always wanted to do this to me. I asked how she knew, she told me thats what she told that I always wanted to bang her doggie style.

As she go on all 4’s and before I put it in for the grand finalie, I had to taste her somemore. I licked every inch of her ass, asshole and wet cummed soaked pussy. Her cum tasted out of this world. 3 minutes later I then took my penis and with her assistance put it in her pussy from behind and fucked her doggie style. The whole experience was sureal, from the slappn sound of my body slammin against her ass as I fucked her doggie style and hearing her moan and screm that she was cumming again. Just seconds after she came I blew my load deep inside my Auntie’s pussy and just keep pumping her away until every last drop of cum was out of me.

We both layed down in exhaustion and for a minute I thought it was going to be a bit awkward now cus I just fucked my own Aunt. But laying next to her naked was a great feeling inside and she looked and me and said thank you and smiled. She kissed me passionatly and told me not to get dressed and that Im sleeping with her in her bed tonight.

We woke up about 11am and at first it was wierd but as soon as we realized what we did the night before we just started kissing and fucked 2 more times and then went for breakfast well dinner that time and for the rest of the day and night we must of had sex 3 more times and once more the next morning before I had to leave.

Its been a couple months now and we try to get together atleast once a week and have some fun. Most of the time thier quickies but their better than nothing. She is going to be home alone this coming weekend by herself, first time since the first time we had sex so we are planning for a great weekend but this time at a hotel so we wont have that fear of someone coming home unexpectingly.

Her and my Uncle haven’t been getting along for years and she filed for a divorce. I have my own apartment and she is moving in soon. To everyone its just a Nephew helping his Aunt out and no one suspects a thing but to us, its sex everynight. Everyone thinks that she will be sleeping in the “spare room”. LOL

But in all, I think I am in love with Aunty Tammy. We are always intimate with each other now and everytime we have sex its better than the last. Just seeing her naked and the taste of her is incredible. I don’t just go and lick any woman in those places (asshole & pussy) but her I will do anything to and I mean anything she desires.


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