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My Beautiful Mom Part 3 Coming Home From Party

A few hours later, mom was getting ready to go out. She was wearing the same pants she was wearing all day(black tight stretchy pants, and a sexy pink shirt. She said, ”Alright honey, i’ll call you later to tell you when i’ma be home.” I said,”ok mom, have fun.” She kissed me with her tonge then she went out the door to a car in the drive way that had another women in it. I didn’t know what to do with my time, so i called one of my buddy’s to come over. We chiiled and watched tv, and at about 10PM i got a phone call, it was mom. She sounded waisted, “Heeyyy honey! I’m sssooo trashed rriiighhht now. I thhhinkk i’ll be hhooome at 12.” I said,” alright mom, be careful.” Then i went back to the family room to watch tv with my friend. He ask, “was that your mom?” I said,”yeah, she’ll be home in about two hours, she sounded trashed.” My buddy said,”hmm your mom is a partyer?” I said,”not to much, but she does sometime.” He said,” alright, i’ma get up outta here, so i don’t have to help you clean up any puke.” I said, “thanks man, hopefully she won’t be that drunk.” So my buddy leaves, and at about 11:45pm, i get another phone call. “Hello, hey mom.” “heeeeyyyy honey, I’m fallin down drunk. Stacy who was suppost to be the D.D. is waisted. You think you can pick us up?” I said “sure, i’ll be there in a minute.”

She said,”Thhhaannnk yyyooouu honey.” So i get outside of the club, and here comes mom and her friend staggering down the side walk. My mom was actually holding Stacy so she didn’t fall. Stacy’s was Puerto Rican, she had long straight black hair that was pulled back in to a ponytail, she looked like a cheerleader from a high school football team. She was 4’11’’ Small boobs, and a big round booty that was easily 38 inches. Mom said, “HEEYYY MMMYYY LLLOOOVVEE.” I said, “Hey mom, you all had fun?” She said,”ooohhh, wwweeee hhhaaaddd a bblllaaaasssttt. Stacy’s a littttllllee dddrruunnnkk” Her friend Stacy said, “Lookkk wwwhhhoooo’sss tttaaaallllkkkkiiinnnggg” Mom opened her door and went in, and her friend followed. On the drive home i could hear their conversation. Stacy said,”Kim what were you doing to that one lady?” Mom laughed and said,”She was cute, so i made out with her.” Stacy said, “Are you going lesbian? It must of been so long since you got laid since you’re so fu*kin’ picky.” Mom said,”no, actually i just got laid last night thank you very much.” Stacy said,”oh really?!? Who was the lucky guy?” Mom pointed to me, and Stacy said, “You let your son fu*k you.” My face was turning red, and my palms were getting sweaty. Mom said,”yeah, and he was fu*kin great.” We pulled in the drive way just in time. Stacy wanted to get out first, so she opened her door, and told me she wanted to be lifted out. So I picked her up and put her down on her feet, she couldn’t of been more then 105lbs. She said,”Damn you’re strong. Kim, what do you have inside” Mom steped out of the car, and said,”I got vodka, rum, or gin, But i think we might only have a little coke to mix it with.”

Stacy said, “At this point, i’ll just drink from the bottle.” Then she staggered inside and mom stayed out with me. I put my hands on her ass and jiggled it. I said, ”Did you shake this big thing alot tonight?” She said,”whew, I did a lot of dancing, but i’m not worn out.” I said, “good, cuz hopefully we’ll have our own fun later.” She said, “oh, we will.” The we walked to the house, She had troubles getting up the step. She put her hand on her belly and said, “i’m so fu*ked up i can’t get up a step.” Then Stacy came from the kitchen with a bottle of rum. “Come on you drunk whore, we still have drinking to do.” So mom finally got up the step, and staggered forward and said,”i’m noootttt drinking no more.” Stacy said,”Oh yes you are, we’re gonna pass out tonight.” Then she handed mom the bottle. Stacy cheered,”chug, chug, chug.” My mom tiped the bottle up and started chuging it. When she was done, she dropped the level of the rum one inch. Then she passed it to Stacy. Mom slowly removed her top, and Stacy grabbed mom’s breast. Mom grabbed stacy’s ass, and pulled her closer to her, then they started making out. As i was watching them, i got rock hard. Stacy saw the bulge in my pants, and stopped makeing out with mom, and came over to me. She took her hand, and grabbed my di*k. She said, “oh my, you’re hung.” i said, “oh yeah, all 8 inches.” She said, “really? I can but 6 in my mouth, you want me to try to shove all of it in?”

With out waiting for a reply, she dropped to her knees, and started sucking it. I couldn’t believe what was going on. Mom slurred, “Ssssoo nnnoooww wwwhhhaatt aamm ii suupppooosstteeedd tttooo doo?” I signaled mom to come close to me, and we made out. Stacy was having a hard time putting it all in her mouth. About two minutes later, she grabed my waist and shoved me forward so she could shove all of it in her mouth. When she took it out, she made a loud sound, like she was throwing up. I said, “you alright?” She said,”yyyeeaahhh, Iii fffiiinnnee” Mom said, “baby, i neeeeddd sssooommmeee aaattteeennntttioon tttooo.” So i went over to mom, and told her to get on top of me. So i layed down on the ground, and mom got on top of me. She was really horny, cause she started going up and down on my co*k real fast. I put my hands on her hips to try to control her. I spanked her ass, and she yelled, “i’m your whore!!” Stacy got on my face, and started saying, “Lick my pus*y, lick it real good.” They both got off and stood up. I layed on the ground for a few seconds, and then got up also. Mom and Stacy were standing up, and looking at me, and said,”you worn out?” I said,”kinda, it’s not everyday i have two fine girls getting at me.” Stacy came to me, and face away from me, and put my arms around her. I felt her nice chest, and she put her head back. Then i touched her belly, and it was nice and big and tight. Then i stuck to fingers in her pus*y, and she moaned. Then i said, “bend over the couch baby.” When she did, i put my co*k in her pus*y. She yelled, ”FFFUUUCCC****” Then after a minute, she got used to it, we went at it for about twenty minutes. After we were done, we checked on mom...I went over to make sure she was alright, and she was passed out on the floor. Stacy said, “your mom’s a light weight.”

Then i told stacy to follow me, and we went in to mom’s room. I told Stacy to get on the bed. When she did, she layed on her side and i joined her. She said,” what do you think your mom will say if we had sex on her bed?” I said,”she won’t say anything.” I took my hand, and ran it over Stacy’s belly, and said,”you drank way more then my mom, and you’re smaller.” She said,”yeah, true. But i’m a partyer, i come home drunk at least four times a week. My parents hate it, they say i have a drinking problem.” I said,”parents? You don’t live by yourself?” She laughed and said,”no, i’m only a senior in High School. Don’t worry, i’m 18” I said, “really? How long have you been having sex.” She said, “You took my v-card a little bit ago,” I said,”Really?!?!?” Then she said,”Let’s have sex again.” So i laid on my back, and she got on top. This time she was really wild. She was bouncing up and down, shaking her hips, and making all sorts of sexy sounds. Before we were finished, mom came staggering in. She was really trashed right now, and I couldn’t understand her, cause she was so slurry. To me she said,”I’m so fu*ked up right now. I think i need a stiff hard co*k in my ass.” She sat down on the bed, and Stacy got off of me. Then i moved mom to the center of the bed, and said,”Mom, you gotta be done drinking, you look totally pregnant right now. Mom raised her arm up in the air and said, “Do whatever the fu*k you want to me i’m so drunk i don’t care,” So mom was on her back with her huge tits and big belly going up. I put my di*k in her mouth and she sucked on it. Then i put it between her tits, and went in and out for a little bit. Then I went to stick it in her pus*y and she said,”i hope i don’t puke.” I said, “what do you mean.” She said,”I’m really full right now, and your di*k will just make me feel even more full.” I inserted it in, and she moaned. I went faster, and she was holding her belly. Finally i put all my power in to it, and she was just laying there looking at me with drunk eyes. After i was done, she sat up, and went to the bathroom. I went over to the bathroom, and she had her head over the toilet throwing up. I said, “mom you ok?” She said,”iii bbeee ffiinne, III’mmm jjjuuussstttt rrreeeaalllyyy dddrrruunnkkk.” I found Stacy on the couch masterbating with my mom’s dildo. I said,”Stacy, i think we should call it a night.” Stacy stood up, and staggered to me and said,”ok, but i get to sleep with you.” I said,”Ok.” So we go back to the bedroom, and get under the covers. Stacy kissed me good night, and we went to sleep.

The next mourning, i woke up, and Stacy was still sleeping. She must be kinda out there, cause when i looked at her she was sucking her thumb. I got up, and mom was spralled out naked on the bathroom floor. She made everything go in the toilet, so there was no mess to clean up. I picked mom up and put her in the bed next to Stacy. I then went to watch tv. A few hours later, mom and Stacy walked out of the room completely naked, and sat on the couch with me. Mom said, “So, how was your night.” I said, “it was fun. You all were wild.” Mom said,”I think i drank to much.” Stacy said,”yea, just a little.” The rest of the day, mom and Stacy recovered from their hang overs, They remained naked the whole day.

A few months later mom came to me in a bathing suit, and she looked different for some reason. I said mom, “Did you loose weight?” She said, “no hun, i gained weight. I’m pregnant, and Stacy called me a few days ago, and guess what? She’s pregnant to.” I said,”really? who’s the dad of her baby?” Mom said,”you’re the dad to both.” It may sound terrifying, but now i have two awesome kids to take care of, and two sexy milfs at my house.


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